
Commenting policy

I encourage readers to share information about, or memories of, Ambridge, Pennsylvania. (See information about the registration requirement below).

However, I have some basic commenting rules:

Please keep comments on topic and relevant to Ambridge.

In addition:

Be respectful. You do not need to agree with what another person says, but no personal insults, name calling, harassment, or threats (credible or not).

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Comments which violate these rules may be deleted, and the commenter may be banned at my discretion. 

--Nancy Knisley

October 18, 2016:

New registration requirement for commenting on the Ambridge Memories blog: 

As of today, only "registered users" may comment on blog posts or pages.

I had been allowing comments on the blog without requiring registration, since some commenters couldn't seem to figure out how to register or log-in to comment.

I have been deleting more and more spam, and I am trying to discourage the spammers. Plus, some of the spam contains links that I fear may result in malware ending up on the computer of anyone who clicks on them and that's a concern.

Also, any comment made more than 30 days after the post now will be moderated before it gets published on the blog site, again to discourage spam posts.

If you have an OpenID account, you can use your OpenID. 

If you want to post a comment on the blog, and don't have an OpenID account, the easiest way to become a registered user is to get a Google account. That's simple:

1. Visit the Google "Account Creation" page.

2. Fill in the requested information and submit.


  1. On the corner of 8th and Kennedy blvd across from Beth Samuel Synagoge, there was Twin Trailer Sales. Sold house trailers. Neon lights on their sign. They moved to route 65 in Baden and Skya Funeral home bought the property for parking.

  2. Great job...great site! I didn't grow up in Ambridge but both my parents did. We lived within walking distance and on Saturdays in the early to mid 70's would walk into town to shop for clothes then end the afternoon by stopping at Isaly's or the Maple. If only there were such a thing as time machines!!! Those were great times.

  3. My Grandfather, Thomas Robert Supe and my Grandmother Mary Groh Supe owned and operated the Thomas R. Supe Travel Agency on Main Street in Ambridge till it was taken over by one of their three sons Thomas R. Supe Jr. I believed it was in operation from the 1950's thru the early 1970's. Near by was a wonderful chocolate store that manufactured their own concoctions. I remember my Grandmother we called her Nana took us their to get our foot high or higher chocolate or white chocolate Easter Bunnies, I've lived in New York since I was about 7 years old , but the wonderful memories are like it was yesterday. Still have a few relatives near Ambridge.

  4. Bakery...How about the one at 7th and Olive lane, in the 50's, I think the name was Lojack's ,it even had a large brick oven. They had long wooden paddles to pull the bread from the oven. There was a large cauldron, right out in the open, where you could see donuts being fried! Dad would say ' Stay away from that or you will get burnt! The bread and buns tasted wonderful! The building is still there with the step that is wore from many patrons. Across the street was a beautiful drug store, with a fountain, very good cherry cokes.

    1. I remember the bakery and specifically their rye bread. We would walk to the bakery after noon mass at St. Veronica's every Sunday and buy a loaf then cross the street to Karolewski'so buy my grandmother a Gwazda Poland (actual Polish Newspaper) then drive home. I would eat one of the rye bread heels in the car before we got home. Thanks for the memories!

    2. I also loved that bakery. We would always go there after church on Sunday morning. The bread was great but the fresh baked rolls and pastries were to die for. Wow what great memories of a wonderful time in a great town to grow up in.

  5. Regarding your post of May 5, 2014, the mention of Fritz Jahn's gift store, his greenhouse was located across the river in Wireton on Bocktown road. It was a garden center where all types of flowers, vegetables were sold. His wife and son Fred helped with customers. The house is still there but the greenhouse is gone.

  6. Does anyone remember the picnics at Borough Park up the hill, around the bend and directly across from the dump. There was a nice, large pavillion, two or three swings, and always a large cooler where you could buy a cold bottle of Orange Fanta pop. I recall Polka and othet ethic bands and lots of folks hopi-shoopi'ing on the floor of the pavillion.

    1. I not only remember the Polish and Slovak picnics at Borough Park, my mom volunteered me to play my accordion in the pavilion during one of the Polish picnics. I was not happy about that, but I did it.

  7. I have a hard copy of "Wrought Iron" by James Aston and Edward B. Story published by A. M. Byers. Published 1939-1941. This is a 5th Edition printing in excellent condition with paper jacket. Is there a historical archives where this might be desired? email me at

  8. Hi. I am trying to find out if the Avelli landscaping building on rt65 was once a pizza but. I can not turn up any old photos of the area.
